If you have work experience in-home child-care provider or home support worker, you may be able to apply for permanent residence under caregiver class. There are two programs for this:-
1. Caring For Children Program
You can apply through the Caring for Children class if you:
Have been working as a home child care provider in Canada for at least 2 years
Meet minimum language and education requirements
2. Caring For People With High Medical Needs Program
You can apply through the Caring for People with High Medical Needs class if you:
Have been working in Canada for at least 2 years as a:
Registered nurse
licensed practical nurse
A nurse aide or orderly
Home support worker
Meet minimum language and education requirements
2. Skilled Worker
This stream is for highly qualified professionals who may not have a direct job offer from a Nova Scotia employer but are highly likely to find work due to their qualifications.
Please get in touch with us if you want to learn more about NSNP.